Introduction You are to produce a review of the strategic situation of Uber Technologies Inc, based on the provided material“Transformation of the Taxi Service Industry: The Uber Case Study”. This review should take the form of a business report – NOT an essay. Some of the things that you have been expected to include in your essays in the past should not feature in this report. In particular: • Business reports do not include Harvard references. You should not include Harvard references to material drawn from the case studies or core textbooks. • You should not waste words on describing the theory. You can show you understand it by using it correctly in your analysis. • You are unlikely to get any credit for a critique of the theory. That is not a skill we are testing here. • You are not expected to supplement the case studies with other facts, and you will not get extra marks if you do. We do not test your research skills in this assessment. In your review you should use theory from the module to: • Examine Uber Technologies Inc ’s business environment • Analyse Uber Technologies Inc ‘s current strategy, including its culture, structure and HR strategy • Appraise the strategy – how well does it fit the environment, and how likely is it that the company can sustain competitive advantage? This assignment relates specifically to Uber Technologies Inc’ s Taxi service. You should only discuss other parts of Uber Technologies Inc’s business if what you say is relevant to Uber Technologies Inc ‘s competitive position. Learning Outcomes assessed through this assignment: 1. Discuss the main external contextual factors influencing an organization’s competitive advantage and the HR function 3. Appraise the fit of firms’ structure, culture and HR strategies to their competitive strategies 4. Develop rigorous analyses of a firm’s business environment and the implications for competitive advantage and the management of people within private, public and third sector organizations 5. Conduct detailed analysis and appraisal of a firm’s strategy 7. Communicate complex ideas and analysis in forms suitable for an informed business audience. Details of the task Assignment Instructions Structure You have been asked to produce a management report. It should contain the following: • Title Page, including the given title in full • Executive Summary (No more than 200 words) o This should summarise your main findings and conclusions. It is not the place where you tell us the contents of the report – that happens in the Introduction • Contents Page • Introduction • Main body, which should also be organised under appropriate headings. You are recommended to use the ones in the Assessment Criteria (below) • Conclusion • Appendices, which should be numbered o Make sure you refer your reader to them as required