Course Description and Objectives
CST 110 examines the elements affecting speech communication at the individual, small group, and public communication levels with emphasis on the practice of communication at each level. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Critical Thinking
• Analyze principles of communication
• Articulate the benefits and challenges of communication in present-day society or in their own lives
Civic Engagement
• Critically analyze how communication skills can be used to manage conflicts and improve relational
• Analyze the relationship between communication and diversity
Professional Readiness
• Orally communicate ideas to a listener with verbal and nonverbal fluency
• Apply specific communication concepts or theories to their personal and professional lives
Written Communication
• Analyze the various components of a public presentation and develop a written outline and/or
Fundamentals of Communication:
• Explain the role of ethics in various communication situations
• Identify, describe, and compare characteristics of language and explain denotative and connotative
• Identify types of listening and non-listening behaviors and demonstrate appropriate responses in
listening situations
• Compare/contrast various communication models
• Define and describe types of nonverbal communication and apply this knowledge to real-life situations
• Illustrate an understanding of the perception process, and make connections between self-concept and
interactions with others
• Analyze, select, and explain various aspects of communication situations in relation to appropriate goals,
objectives, and techniques.
Major Topics to be Included Fundamentals of Communication:
Interpersonal Communication Small Group Communication Public Speaking Media Literacy/Mass Media