ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: The 2008 global financial crisis was partly caused by banks’ failure in liability management (or funding management). a. Contrast between deposit and non-deposit liability sources by highlighting differences in their funding costs as well as other non-cost implications (for instance, risks, market factors, etc.). Your discussion should be supported by real-life examples. (Guide: 1000 words, 16 marks) b. Comment on the relative importance of different liability items on a specific Australian bank balance sheet. (Guide: 300 words, 6 marks) c. Download Orbis data for four (4) Australian commercial banks during 2012-2016 with regard to their liability mix and construct two (2) graphs that illustrate the trendsin their liability mix over these years. Each graph is a line chart containing four (4) lines for the chosen banks. Based on these graphs, comment on differences between banks (peer analysis) as well as changes over time (trend analysis). (Guide: 500 words, 8 marks) Note: Approximately 200 words are recommended for introduction and conclusion together. Subheadings should be used to separate parts a, b and c. Suggested data source for part c: Orbis Bank Focus (access via Monash library database website, under the “Banking and Finance” tab). – Purpose: Download data from 2012 to 2016 – Make sure you restrict the selection to Australia (depending on the banks you want to search) – Use C1 or C2 data (due to the availability) – Click bank name (restrict country you want to search) and continue searching second, third,… banks Check your referencing APA 6th – Ensure that the writing style follows an Essay format, with Introduction, Body (with subheadings to separate 3 parts), and Conclusion. – Ensure that proper referencing has been done to avoid plagiarism – There is no rule of thumb for how many references you should have in your submission. However, you might want to have around 5-10 references which should include academic sources. In order to download data: – Click Columns. – Look for the data that you want: Ø Detailed liabilities can be found under these headings: Key financials and employees, Global standard, Global detailed. Ø Click on the years required: 2012-2016 Ø Continue to choose all required data items Ø Click OK Ø Click Export to download