For your solo renal experiment write-up, please use the renal experiment rubric from your lab module. Make sure you cover the following basic aspects of a scientific report as you analyze your data:
Introduction: include appropriate mechanisms and/or feedback loops, terms, and other concepts needed to prepare the audience for your experimental findings. Your introduction should lead us to the stimulus and the hypothesis.
Hypothesis: include your “if, then” statement. Make sure to point out the independent and dependent variables.
Methods: concisely explain how you ran your experiment and how you collected data.
Results: Use line graphs to plot your data. Use tables if appropriate for qualitative data. Explain the trends/patterns that you found. Does this data support/reject your hypothesis?
Graphs/Tables: Attach your final graphs and tables at the end of your abstract. Resize appropriately.
Analyze your data. Draw appropriate graphs for your data using MS Excel. Label properly and add captions below your graphs or above your tables.
Requirements for Graphs
Axis labels
Axis units
Independent and dependent variables are found on the correct axis
Key if appropriate (colors add another variable)
Line graph: connect the points with a straight line
Add captions to each figure.
Conclusion: Explain your results using the mechanism and/or feedback loops that you presented in your introduction. Where there any issues during data collection/analysis? Explain why you think so and how you would improve your methods.
Clinical Application: How does this topic apply in the real world? Present at least 2 examples.