General Directions:
Carefully read the article linked below these instructions. Think about the ideas presented, and then jot down some of your own ideas in response to what you’ve read.
Draft an argument essay in response to the following prompt, making sure to include all the elements of a classical argument in your writing. Be sure to include some paraphrased ideas and a quotation or two from the article as well as your own ideas and logic in your essay. DO NOT CONDUCT OR INCLUDE ANY ADDITIONAL RESEARCH. Use your knowledge of paraphrasing, quoting, and in-text citation AND include a Works Cited page. All information needed for the citation and Works Cited page is included with the article.
Remember, a classical argument essay requires the following components: an engaging introduction, relevance of the problem, a clear statement of position that is arguable, supporting arguments and evidence, acknowledgement and refutation of opposing views, and a strong conclusion. Your essay will be evaluated based on these criteria: the inclusion of the required elements; the overall logic and structure of your argument; the appropriateness of vocabulary, grammar/usage, and mechanics; and the accuracy of your in-text citation and inclusion of a works cited page.
Essay Prompt:
Should the Federal government provide funding for infrastructure and systems to protect the coastal areas and their residents from rising sea levels? Points to consider: What is the role of the federal government in protecting citizens? Can a financial price be placed on a human life? In the case of rising sea levels, are only those who live in the coastal cities effected? What is the role of private industries in protecting residents and businesses from rising sea levels? What is the effect of rising sea levels on the environment and coastal ecosystems? On other ecosystems? Don’t limit your thinking to considering only these points. There might be other – more significant – issues to consider when framing your argument. You must support your position with evidence from the article, your own ideas, and – if relevant – your own experience. Use your knowledge of logical fallacies to be sure you don’t base your own argument on a fallacy.
You will find the article here:
With More Storms and Rising Seas Which U.S. Cities Should Be Saved First – NY Times Article.docxPreview the document
URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/19/climate/seawalls-cities-cost-climate-change.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fclimate&action=click&contentCollection=climate®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront