In a bid to increase their sagging ratings, CNN has fired both Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper, replacing them with Kim Kardashian & Kanye West, to produce a new news segment called, “Keeping Up With the Knews.” In order to deflect criticisms and to prove the intellectual heft of Kimye, CNN has decided to have a segment on the show where they speak with experts on important debates in Sociological Theory. You have been called in as a guest, because of your expertise in Classical Sociological Theory, for a show that is focused on the connections between the individual and society, comparing the work of George Herbert Mead, Emile Durkheim & Karl Marx. With Kim & Kanye intently listening, you begin by discussing Mead’s theories on the development of our “self”…
In your essay, please give an account of this conversation between yourself and Kim & Kanye. Begin by detailing how, according to Mead, our “self” develops. Also consider how both Durkheim and Marx might respond to Mead, based on their own theories on the connections between society and the individua