Grouр Report tаsk ?Fіttіng a Markov сhain to golf data This question requires уou to fit a random walk model and a Markov chain model to model the performance of golfers during rounds of golf. A link has been provided to a data set consisting of the scores of each player in the Singles part of the Ryder Cup 2016, in which 12 players representing Europe were drawn against 12 players representing the USA. (Source: www.rydercup.com.) The scores are all reported relative to par, so the best score in the data set is ?2. The Ryder Cup is matchplay golf, so the player scoring the lowest score on a hole is awarded 1 point and a match between two players comes to an end before the 18th hole is reached in the event that the losing player can no longer catch the winning one. Your report should investigate at least the following questions: The first model is that the score achieved on successive holes by a European player is modelled as a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, where the same distribution applies to all European players. Would this model be a good fit to the data? (You can use a test of autocorrelation or a contingency table to investigate independence, and compare the first 9 holes with the last 9, or the first six matches with the last six, to investigate whether they are identically distributed.) Estimate corresponding parameters for the US players. If a European player and a US player had been picked at random and had been required to play a sequence of holes against each other, stopping as soon as one of them won a hole, what would be the probability that each of them wins? The second model is that the score on a hole (counting ?2 with ?1 and +2 with +1) follows a Markov chain, with a common transition matrix which applies to all European players. Estimate this matrix. Does the Markov model fit better than the random walk model? (Use a Likelihood Ratio test.) Estimate corresponding parameters for the US players. According to this model, if a European player and a US player had been picked at random and had been required to play a sequence of holes against each other, stopping as soon as one of them won a hole, what would be the probability that each of them wins? Visit www.rydercup.com and obtain the data for one of the other Ryder Cup sessions (as indicated in the table below). Briefly investigate whether the betterfitting of your two models above also fits this data set for the European players. Group D1: Your session is the Friday Fourballs Groups beginning with A will be given a task based on fitting random walk models to financial data; groups beginning with B will analyse simulated motor insurance claims data; groups beginning with C will work on Markov modelling of football data; groups beginning with D will be looking at both random walk and Markov models for golf performance data; and groups beginning with E will look at fitting a Markov chain model to corporate bond default data. Your report should be typed in a font no smaller than 11pt and must not exceed 7 pages in length. it is certainly possible to cover all the aspects of the investigation in 5 or 6 pages, so the length requirement should not prove to be too restrictive. A report should include a Summary, an Introduction, the main body of the text and the Conclusions. The Summary should be short (a couple of sentences): the aim is to ensure that someone who reads it should have a reasonable idea of what the report contains. The Introduction should give the background to the investigation and talk about the methodology used. The main body can be subdivided into sections if appropriate. The Conclusions summarise the results obtained and can discuss what further work might be possible in this area. You should aim for an attractive presentation, as a manager who sees a visually unappealing report is likely to throw it away without reading it. with rich table and picture For writer team Do not sign the same writer in one school . MUST sign the high level top 10 writer now give me quality paper .100% make sure pass . Add the proof double check. Must check all additional chao and link the my all additional file and download all of them read one by one . Upload the outline in 24 hours for my meeting and Please send draft for this order within 48 hours.Extend revision timeframe to 30 days as per terms and conditions Follow instructions and no extension for deadline . 100% original, low than 5% similarity rate