The first assignment for DAAE2001 requires you to select an image (or a set of images, where they directly relate to one another) from the McConnel Drawings Collection of the University of Sydney—a collection of drawings by Sydney students and alumni from the 1920s to the end of the twentieth century. You will research your selected image, and curate a set of images to accompany it, thereby making an argument about that image. Your argument might concern any aspect of your selected drawing: its pedagogical context, its insights into sources and references, its conversations with work both built or unbuilt, and with architecture in Sydney, elsewhere in Australia, or beyond. This will require contextual reading and research. For each image (including the original selection), you are to prepare a descriptive caption of 200 words maximum length, including the source information for each (following the Chicago Manual of Style). This will serve to clarify details of your argument that should otherwise be legible at a purely visual level. You are required to submit a total of eight images and captions (200 words each). There are no restrictions on format. Submission may be physical or electronic. In the case of physical submission, you will be required to submit the text of your captions through the University’s academic integrity software. The only requirement on submission is that the teaching team must be able to access the images. Practical Information The McConnel Drawing Collection is held by the University of Sydney in the Rare Books Collection of the Fisher Library. You will select an image on the basis of a series of A4 prints. On selecting an image, you may apply to the University Library to access a high-resolution copy of the image. Under no circumstances can you distribute this image further. You will be granted the right to use this image solely for the purposes of your studies. It cannot be posted online or forwarded to any other students. You should make an effort to “visit” the original drawing you have selected in the Rare Books Collection. This may be done by appointment, following the procedures laid out in class. The Fine Print This is to be read in conjunction with the Unit of Study outline. Any amendments or clarifications will be made on the Blackboard site of this course, with an announcement to be posted to all students. Weighting: 30%
Assessment Criteria 1. Your understanding of the drawing’s subject and technique (close reading) (9 marks available) 2. Your understanding of the broader issues or currents at stake in the drawing (contextual reading) (9 marks) 3. The clarity of your argument (on both visual and written terms) (6 marks) 4. Format and presentation (including referencing and image quality) (6 marks)