Molecular Biology of Drug or Treatment Report
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: Drug or TreatmentReport 1.Introduction (5points) a.Briefly, describe the disease, syndrome or illness b.What types of treatments are available? Are they accessible to everyone? 2.Body of the paper (20points) a.Choose one particular drug or treatment and detail specifically how it works to combat the negative effects on the body; what are the sideeffects of the drug?3.Conclusion(10 points) a.What types of research is being conducted now? Are new treatments available?4.References cited (10 points) a.References should be cited in APA or MLA format at the end of the paper (the references don’t count towards the total page count) 5.Style (5 points) a.The paper is organized, written clearly, proofread, and no plagiarism ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CRITERIA The written assignment should detail the cellular / molecular mechanisms involved in a particular drug’s effects and possible side effects. The paper will be graded on the following criteria: •Contents of each paper: Allow for sufficient discussion of background information so the reader can understand the significance of the particular diseaseor treatment. The length of each paper is minimum 3pages and maximum 5pages of doublespaced text (font size 11 –12). The paper length does not include the “references cited” section. You can include figures and tables, if you choose. •Sources and their use: In recent years there has been a tendency to rely more heavily on web pages as sources. Students are warned that plagiarizing any source is a serious violation of academic standards –credit and use your sources properly. If you use figures and/or tables from the web, make sure you cite the reference or the webpage. •Style: Papers will be graded on their organization and the clarity of writing. Make sure you proofread your paper. Papers that have numerous misspellings or grammatical errors will receive scores that reflect poor proofreading. More detailed information on each written assignment, including grading criteria, is available on the Blackboard site for this course.