Please follow the links given below and make sure to thoroughly read and understand both articles.
Article #1. The Guardian
Article #2. Business Insider
After you analyze the given articles, please
(1) identify two HRM-related issues that the Foxconn has, and
(2) provide your written solutions/recommendations based on the instructions given below.
I recommend using both articles in a proper way. However, you can use only one of them if you feel that’s sufficient. Also, you may conduct more study/research to know more about Foxconn, but please stay with these two articles’ content when you identify Foxconn’s HRM issues/problems. In other words, your two HRM issues/problems must come from the abovementioned two articles; please don’t discuss Foxconn’s general issues/problems based on your extra research.
Cover Page: Title of the report, course, professor, date, authors, and section.
Select two key HRM issues (2-3 pages).
After you carefully read the assigned articles, you need to identify two HRM issues.
There could be many problems/issues but explain (1) why the issues you’ve chosen are the most serious HRM issues based on your learning (theories and concepts).
Discuss the organization’s two HRM issues you studied and why and how they can affect the organization’s overall success and performance.
Presumably, your choice of issues/problems have negatively affected Foxconn’s overall performance, employees’ well-being, and workplace behavior over time; please explain why and how. If possible, please provide some examples from the two articles (e.g., quotations, statistics, and numbers).
Analyze selected HRM-related problems or issues (3-4 pages).
Given the information you have obtained about the case, try to draw some conclusions about the issues. Draw on the HRM literature relevant to the issue topic to help your analysis, which should be clear, logical, and based on what you have learned (theories, concepts, etc.). Based on HRM theories and concepts, you should address the following questions:
What should be done?
What could be done better?
Who will benefit from the plan you suggest?
Who will lose from the plan?
What are the potential benefits of the plan?
Why will it solve the problem or address the issue?
What course materials provide evidence that your plan will work?
What led to these solutions?
What constraints did you have to take into account?
The report should be 7 pages maximum (without the cover page and references), typed, double-spaced, and numbered pages in 12-point font, Times New Roman, with 1” margins.