Length: 2 pages maximum using abstract template.
Task requirements: This is the first part of a larger case study project you will submit at the end of the semester. It is designed to provide you with formative and summative feedback on your chosen case study.
To complete this assessment you need to select a complex patient care situation during your clinical placement[1]. You should choose a case which triggered some uncertainty for you and will allow you to critically reflect on the care of that patient.
Using the template provided on Blackboard, write an abstract which presents an overview of the case and demonstrates application of the clinical reasoning cycle to your patient. You will need to provide a synopsis of the clinical priorities in this case study and explain why you chose to reflect on the care of this patient.
You will have the opportunity to discuss and critique example abstracts in tutorial 1 which will assist you to complete your abstract with the data you have collected from your patient.
Very important point: You must maintain patient confidentiality when completing this assessment. Any patient data used must be de-identified so that the patient remains anonymous. You will need to collect detailed patient data to present the case by transcribing information from patient charts and records (eg. patient history, presenting problem, assessment information, vital signs, medications, investigations, relevant pathology results, nursing and collaborative interventions, and evaluation data). However, it is not appropriate to photocopy charts or take photographs of patients or patient records. This is in accordance with the code of conduct and confidentiality requirements set out in the Queensland Health Student Deed Poll. As always, you also need to work within the local policies and protocols of the healthcare facility.
[1] If you are not enrolled in a clinical practice unit this semester it is your responsibility to contact the unit coordinator, Joan Sparkes (j.sparkes@qut.edu.au) to discuss selecting a suitable case study.