Read each case analysis and complete the following: 5 review of systems (ROS) questions 5 physical assessment techniques that would be conducted in a focused physical exam Each case must include 5 ROS questions and 5 physical assessment techniques 1. P. W., a 23 yearold recent immigrant, has come to the health care center complaining of night sweats, recent weight loss, and a decrease in energy level. Sputum is blood tinged. 2. G. E., a 52yearold social worker, has been treated for a deep vein thrombosis for two days. He calls the nurse to come to his room right away. When the nurse arrives, she sees that he is apprehensive, restless, diaphoretic, and extremely anxious. His PaO2 is 82% (previously had been 97% on room air), his heart rate is 116 beats per minute and his blood pressure is 100/56 mm Hg. He is complaining of a sharp chest pain that gets worse when he breathes in and has shortness of breath. Note: For grading purposes, please be sure that ROS and PE are pertinent to the case study. For the review of systems, do not list singly: pain assessment, aggravatoring factors, rating, medications, etc. This is one question as PQRSTU. For the physical assessment, do not include diagnostic/laboratory testing.