Certain groups of people are more susceptible to illness based on different determinants of health. Select one group from the following options: school-age children, college students, adult prisoners, or older adults. Identify one common acute illness experienced by the selected group. For example: URI, meningitis, viral hepatitis or STI, pneumonia, shingles.
Create a 3–5 page paper to address the rubric criteria. Include a minimum of four peer-reviewed, scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your writing.
Provide an introduction to the paper.
Identify the selected group and the selected acute illness. Describe the pathophysiology of the selected acute illness and variables that increase susceptibility to the illness within the identified group. Based upon a holistic assessment, explain how physical, psychological, social, and spiritual factors impact response to acute illness and restoration of health.
Apply the synergy model to discuss two patient characteristics that influence the acquisition and trajectory of the selected acute illness. Discuss two nurse characteristics that can promote restoration of health.
Identify educational, pharmacological, and nutritional strategies to address the acute illness and restore health.
Provide a conclusion to the paper.
Assignment Instructions
Abide by Integrity Policy.
Sources older than 5 years may not be used without the permission of the class instructor.
Title page, running head, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the most current edition of the manual.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual.
No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
First person should not be used within this assignment.