Compose an essay in MLA format that contains at least four paragraphs and totals at least 700 words (approximately two-three pages) by creating a detailed thesis statement; describing past, present, and future educational and professional goals; synthesizing information gained from reviewing an industry-related scholarly source; and demonstrating Edited American English, professional language use and tone, consistent use of rhetorical modes of discourse, and proper sentence placement and paragraph structureSelf-evaluate writing draft, according to MLA formatting, Edited American English, formal language use, appropriate tone, consistent use of rhetorical modes of discourse, and proper sentence placement and paragraph structureCompose a 5+ sentence paragraph that identifies the main points and compares and contrasts prior knowledge with the information presented, using Edited American EnglishDemonstrate evidence of prewriting or brainstorming utilizing one of the provided prewriting methodsIn this project, you will:Objectives
To successfully master this assessment, you must score 70%. The assessment requires that you complete a 700+ word (approximately 2-3 pages), 4+ paragraph essay with a Work Cited page.
This assignment provides learners with a writing prompt to carefully consider the reasons they are attending TSTC, their degree program, their career goals, and the expectations of people in that industry or job position while demonstrating correct Edited American English in an MLA formatted document. Please make sure you view the writing instructions document Download writing instructions documentfor specific instructions and criteria. You may not successfully pass this assessment if you do not read the specific writing instructions on the document.
This printable version Download printable versionof the mastery assessment can be downloaded, if needed, which also includes the grading rubric.
Essay Paragraphs (the Prewriting Activity will help you to develop the first 3 paragraphs of the essay; the Interview Selection will help you develop the 4th paragraph):
1st Paragraph (Introduction – your past): introduces the general topic of pursuing an education and the specific topic of their personal journey to TSTC in narrative form.
2nd Paragraph (Body – your present): provides clear and accurate descriptions of the student’s current or intended program of study. Detailed examples are provided that assist in framing the narrative in a professional and formal manner. Paragraph is constructed in a logical manner and adheres to standards of paragraph structure with topic, supporting detail, and concluding sentences.
3rd Paragraph (Body – your future): provides clear and accurate descriptions of the student’s professional goals after graduation. Detailed examples are provided that assist in framing the narrative in a professional and formal manner. Paragraph is constructed in a logical manner and adheres to standards of paragraph structure with topic, supporting detail, and concluding sentences.
4th Paragraph (Summary of Interview and Conclusion): summarizes important points of the video, beginning with a smooth introduction of the interviewee and their professional role. Addresses the skills or insights that the student has gained from the experience with regard to the student’s professional future.