The largest dividend yielding companies in the FTSE 350 London Stock Exchange include: ? Carillon ? Debenhams ? Direct Line ? Galliford Try ? Petrofac ? Phoenix Group ? Taylor WimpeyChoose ONE company from the list above. Write a report to an investor considering investing in the company that you have selected, referring to the company’s listing on the London Stock Exchange. Your report should cover the following areas: (a) Discount Rates & Capital Structure i. Calculate your chosen company’s Cost of Equity (Ke), Cost of Debt (Kd), and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for each year for at least the last 5 years. Show your workings and state the sources for any of your assumptions. 15 marks ii. Critically assess and discuss the capital structure that your chosen company has and the impact that these choices have made on its cost of equity, cost of debt, and WACC. If your company has any debt funding, assess its ability to make the repayments required using a range of appropriate ratios. 10 marks You should choose one company and do all that, you need to calculate everything by yourself. Use CAPM model to calculate cost of equity.