Cancer, Cardiovascular, and Chronic Diseases
As we all know, good nutrition and exercise habits play a significant role in the prevention of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Despite the many temptations in our modern age (fast food, alcohol and/or drug use, sedentary lifestyles, etc) what habits do you incorporate into your daily/weekly routines to help you maintain good physical health? How do you see these habits impacting you across the lifespan (i.e. in having children in the future, in preventing chronic diseases)? How do you try to encourage your friends/family members to take care of their health and follow screening recommendations, particularly those that are at high risk for or have a chronic illness?
It should be at least 200-300 words in length, you must cite two of the readings both in text citations and include your references.
Recources :
Read chapters 9 – 12 in the New Dimensions in Women’s Health textbook
Read the 4 journal articles attached
Video to watch: https://www.ted.com/talks/paula_johnson_his_and_hers_healthcare/discussion