• Evaluating a Canadian company’s Vision, Mission, and Objectives.
Instructions • Choose a Canadian company that has a published: Vision, Mission, and Objectives (at least 4)
• Objectives are typically found under Investor relations in your company’s Annual reports
What Information should I include • Answer the questions and use these headings. Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.
• There is no need for an introduction or conclusion
• Reponses should be clear, grammatically correct, and well thought out.
• To receive full marks, your posts must engage with the material and demonstrate critical thinking.
• Each question answer should be 1-3 paragraphs
• Include research references as needed. Use APA formatting.
What should the layout look like? • Maximum 5 pages, 1.5 line spaced, 12pt font (not including Title page and references), 1 inch margins.
• Page numbers on every page.
Suggested Layout:
• Title Page – including Name, Course, Instructor
• Page 1: Part One
• Page 2: Part Two
• Page 3: Part Three
• Page 4: Appendix with References including
Part One: Vision Statement:
1. Your company’s vision statement
2. What are the effective elements in your company’s vision statement?
3. What is missing from your company’s vision statement?
Tips: Refer to table 2.1 in the textbook to support your answers
Part Two: Mission Statement:
1. Your company’s mission statement.
2. In your company’s mission statement do you get a clear idea of: current business and purpose? Explain and support your findings.
Part Three: Objectives:
1. Find examples of strategic and financial objectives for your company. List two strategic objectives and two financial objectives for your company and indicate which of these are strategic and which are financial.
2. Why is it important for your company to have both financial and strategic objectives? Explain and support your findings.