Business Plan for Takeda Oncology to enter Vietnam’s _______ for oncology drugs through a joint venture with Sanofi Vietnam
- Introduction (first paragraph of paper body)
- State the purpose of the paper
- Tell what the paper will do
- Name the industry, country and company
- Company Description (Week 2 company profile)
- Company type of business and industry
- Company product/service
- Targeted buyer and buying proposition (what needs/desires the product meets for the targeted Buyer –and User if different from Buyer)
- Rationale for international expansion
- Goals and objectives for international expansion
- Company supports needed to be successful in country (e.g., will it need an in-country workforce? Transportation infrastructure? Internet access? Facilities?)
- Company Strengths (Week 2)
- Describe special features of the product or service
- Identify company competencies (competencies reside in people)
- Identify company assets that may strengthen the company’s competitive position (e.g., human, financial, geographic, contractual, political assets)
- Identify company processes that may be a competitive advantage (e.g., manufacturing efficiencies, vertical or horizontal integration)
- Company weaknesses (Week 2)
- These are the flip side of the strengths; e.g., undifferentiated product, lack of human resources/skills; limited financial assets, no unique processes that set it apart from competition
- Global Industry Description (Week 2)
- Global Industry Opportunities and Threats
- Global industry trends (e.g., technology change, growth forecasts)
- Country Selection Rationale (Week 4)
- Explain the process for selecting the two countries you compare in this plan (how you pared down from 16 to 2 countries)
- Macro-level comparison of countries (opportunities/threats)
- Countries that are new to the Company
iii. Selection criteria/rationale for the two countries selected for analysis
- Ability to meet company support needs in country (section 2 above)
- Country Comparison (Week 4)
- Opportunity comparison across the two analyzed countries
- Market size, growth
- Business climate
iii. Industry structural advantages (e.g., access to suppliers; ease of entry; government support; limited internal competition…)
- Other opportunities from PESTEL and Industry factors
- Risk comparison across the two analyzed countries (Week 4)
- This is the flip side of opportunity; focus only on risks relevant for your company;
- Identify general level of competition in the countries (intensity, number of competitors and potential new entrants/availability of substitutes)
iii. Other risks from PESTEL and Industry factors
- Summary rationale for country selection (Week 4)
- Summarize opportunities and threats for both countries
- Explain major reasons for recommending the country of entry
- Total Country market size and growth reflects the Opportunity
- Opportunity support factors
iii. Threats (to be mitigated, but not significant enough to override opportunity)
- Target Market size(Week 6)
- Estimate Target Market(s) in dollars or units or buyers
- Estimate growth of Target Market over 3-5 years
- Competitive risk/advantage in the selected country of entry (Weeks 6,7)
- Identify key multinational and local competitors and their competitive threat
- Identify client company’scompetitiveweaknesses
- Relative to specific competitors
- Relative to other country threats (identified in 8. iii)
- Identify the competitive advantages of your company (based on strengths in Section 3 above, relative to competitors)
- Risk Mitigation Strategies for the selected country of entry (Weeks 2, 6,7)
- Recommend strategy to mitigatecompetitive threatidentified in section 10 above (e.g., cost, differentiation, and/or focus strategies)
- Recommend mitigating strategies that would be needed for each of theindustry threats identified in 5 above (Week 2)
- Recommended mitigating strategies that would be needed for each of the othercountry threatsidentified in 8. iii above (e.g., local partner/agent to mitigate cultural and/or regulatory threats)
- Opportunity Exploitation Strategies for the selected country of entry (Weeks 2, 7)
- Recommend Strategies to exploit Opportunity and Opportunity support factors (identified in 5,and 8i and 8ii above)
- Entry Strategy Legal Structure (week 8)
- Develop 2 potential Entry Structures (legal) that will:
- Mitigate specific risks
- Realize specific market opportunity
- Describe any alliance partner or in-country relationship
- Specify how the in-country relationship supports and makes possible the entry strategy and/or the risk mitigation strategy (these arebenefits to your client company)
- Will the partner/alliance help with competing, with overcoming country threats?
iii. Justify the strategic “fit” with the partner /alliance organization.
- How will the alliance with your client benefitthe partner?
- What are the “costs” to the partner (what will the partner contribute)?
- Compare the advantages/disadvantages of the two structures
- Summarize selection rationale and recommendone entry structure
- Entry Strategy Organizational Structure for the recommended legal structure (Week 8)
- Create organization chart showing :
- your client’s salaries/costs for each position
- your client’s relationship to outside/alliance organizations (dotted lines)
- Describe responsibilities for each position in the organization chart
- Estimate capital/cost requirements for the structure (facilities, equipment)
- In-country marketing plan and costs (week 9)
- Product modifications if needed andestimated coststo modify
- Pricing strategy and Price recommendation
- Promotional message
- Channels and methods for communicating product value to the target market andestimated costsof materials and channels
- Estimated marketshare: What percent of the target market (9i) your client is likely to gain
- Financial Valueof the entry strategy (create projected Income statement) (week 10)
- EstimateRevenuefor first year of operation (Price x market share in units)
- Cost estimatesfor year zero and year one
- Year zero: Start up costs before revenue is generated (e.g., negotiation time, build-outs of facilities, importing of inventory)
- Year one: Operational cost estimates
- Headcount dollars from organization chart
- Promotional expenses from marketing plan,
- Equipment and facilities expenses (e.g., office supplies, rent)
iii. EBIT: Potential profitability (Revenue less expenses)
- Separately identify Capital investment (e.g., in plants, depreciated equipment), but balance sheet is not required
- Balanced Scorecard (week 11);Specify the major factors to be tracked for your strategy to be successful
Customer Perspective – Angelica
Financial – Kwadwo
Learning & Development – Amanda
Internal Business Processes – Cody
- Conclusion:Two-three brief paragraphs summarizing the strategy and its expected strategic and financial benefits,