write an argumentative research paper discussing a topic that is relevant to the field of management. If you have something in mind, call me. We’ll discuss whether or not it would make a good research topic.
This paper will be a minimum of 8 complete pages and a maximum of 10. You must use a 12 point, Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins. The various style manuals allow for other fonts but this is the font I require.
Your score will be reduced if you don’t follow these formatting requirements. You must gather your information from at least 4 references, not including your textbook or any other textbook. You can use a textbook to find help identify a topic but it cannot be one of your references. Your references must be scholarly. That is you must use peer-reviewed journals, books, or other forms of scholarly work (if in doubt ask me).
The reference list (properly formatted) must be included with your paper. You must use either the APA or MLA method of formatting your paper.