Read Case 3.1, Brant Freezer Company. Using the table provided for the units shipped and warehouse costs for all eight warehouses, identify the warehouse that had the best results for the Brant Company and explain the criterion used to determine which warehouse had the best results. Lastly, the year 2010 is nearly half over, and J.Q. is told to present the forecasted expenditures for each of the eight warehouses for the last six months in 2010. Do his work for him. Recommend steps to improve Return on Assets (ROA) for the company. When working on this assignment please keep in mind these thoughts For your week 2 assignment, you will answer questions that address Case 31 in a three or more page APA formatted paper. You will also need to think through scenarios to improve the firm’s ROA. Apply some basic forecasting techniques learned in business and statistics classes. See the grading rubric and ensure all requirements are met before turning in the assignment. * Read Case 3.1, Brant Freezer Company. Using the table provided for the units shipped and warehouse costs for all eight warehouses, identify the warehouse that had the best results for the Brant Company and explain the criterion used to determine which warehouse had the best results. * * Lastly, the year 2010 is nearly half over, and J.Q. is told to present the forecasted expenditures for each of the eight warehouses for the last six months in 2010. Do his work for him. Recommend steps to improve Return on Assets (ROA) for the company. Be sure to address recommendations for improving the ROA. See figure 21 of this guide for clues. As you work through this assignment, there are a few tips that I have compiled to help you get started: Tip 1: Consider calculating the total warehousing cost per unit. Tip 2: Consider converting the cumulative data into monthly totals. Tip 3: You may choose to assume that there is no seasonality in the Brant Freezer business. Pay special attention to grammar and APA formatting. You will be evaluated on the depth of your critical thinking, and your ability to communicate in writing, at the graduate level. Please be sure to cite all outside sources. The Brant Freezer Company paper: