The book analysis requires students to read and consider the book, Acres of skin: Human experiments at Holmesburg prison. While this should not be a summary of the book, it is essential that the material from the book is discussed.
The book analysis requires students to read and consider the book, Acres of Skin: Human Experiments in Holmesburg Prison. In the paper you must critically reflect on the issues raised by the book, and how they relate to issues around criminological research methods. Those issues could include consent, the ethics of research with human subjects that are vulnerable, and if the author’s argument is well supported. You can select a single or a number of issues raised in the book for your focus, but your critical reflection must incorporate new, additional research. The best reflections will integrate research, personal observations, individual insights connected to the book, and theories and ideas from the classes in 700-800 words. In other words, you will need to use additional academic sources to support your analysis.