Instructions for PSY3PIN Laboratory Report
Word limit: 1000 words (20% of your overall mark), excluding the reference list and the appendix
APA format
Note: You need to write in 3rd person as if about a client or a research participant
Replacement behaviour and psychoeducation! Gluten intake. Cut it down on weekdays but can limit in take on weekend. Keep a food-diary to achieve that- THIS GOES IN THE END OF THE INTRODUCTION.
Minimum of 4 journal articles
Due date: Tuesday 12th September by 4pm, via online LMS submission
Introduction Including Title, Introduction and Aims (approximately 250 words)
The title should be succinct and reflect the specific content of the report.
Describe clearly the aims of your ‘study’ in the introduction. State what behaviour (or related set of behaviours) was the focus of the self-monitoring activity and behaviour modification intervention. Indicate briefly why changing that behaviour is potentially important. Describe the specific behaviour, as defined in observable and measurable terms.
Present relevant literature on the behaviour you wanted to change. For example, if the goal of behaviour modification was to increase healthy eating, then include information on what constitutes healthy eating (e.g., as described in dietary guidelines) and why healthy eating is important.
Describe the specific aim/s of your behaviour change program (i.e., SMART goals) and the strategy you will use to change the behaviour. Explain the rationale behind your choice of the particular behaviour change strategy, which ideally would be based on relevant literature and, where possible, derived from interventions that have been successfully used to change that behaviour in the past.
Participants: Describe “the participant’s” demographic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, education).
Materials: Describe the monitoring sheet used in the study. In the Appendix, include a sample monitoring sheet along with any additional tools you may have employed for assessing change in target behaviour. You are not expected to include the actual filled in self-monitoring sheet.
Procedure: List the instructions that you gave to ”the participant” (e.g., when, what and how to monitor the behaviour; what aspects to implement).
For both materials and procedure remember that there were two phases of the process, each of which needs to be described: 1) baseline self-monitoring, and 2) intervention.
Summarize the data collected during the baseline phase following tutorial 1 (i.e., based on self monitoring completed prior to any behaviour change attempt) and also during the intervention phase (based on self monitoring completed after tutorial 4, when attempting to change the behaviour). Include statistics, considering the best way/s to display your particular data across time. For example, depending on the behaviour, you might include a figure with a graph that displays the frequency of the behaviour over time or the intensity of the behaviour over time, or a table with frequencies or means and standard deviations (tables or figures do not need to be included in the word count). Comment on the outcome of implementing the behaviour change program.
· Briefly reiterate the aims of the behaviour modification intervention
· Comment on what strategies were used to change your target behaviour and how well they fitted with interventions suggested in the relevant literature
· Discuss the effectiveness, strengths and limitations of your approach to self-monitoring, and to behaviour modification. For guidance, use the review questions on your tutorial handouts as well as the questions listed below:
o For the monitoring aspect of the process:
§ Did the monitoring include enough domains to assess your behaviour patterns?
§ What would you include/exclude in future similar self-monitoring sheets?
o What was the outcome of your behaviour change program?
o What factors do you think influenced the success or otherwise of your behaviour change program?
§ What strategies did you use for increasing adherence to the behaviour change program and how well did they appear to work?
§ Did factors such as motivation or having unrealistic goals influence the outcome?
o What would be worthwhile considering in future behaviour change programs for the target behaviour of your choice?
· Comment on what you could do to effectively apply your approach to self-monitoring and/or behaviour change in a clinical and/or research setting
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· Conclusion (no heading).