TASK QUESTION: ‘It is necessary to understand/ That a poet may not exist…’ (Ern Malley, ‘Sybilline’) Offer an essay that explores issues of subjectivity, perspective and the limits of the self in at least five poems set for study. Is it helpful to argue that these poems demonstrate a particularly Australian sense of poetic personhood? You must answer using 5 poems from those set for study within the Puncher and Wattmann Anthology. TEXTBOOK: Leonard, J. (ed) (2009) The Puncher and Wattman Anthology of Australian Poetry, Puncher and Wattman USE ONE POEM EACH FROM THE FOLLOWING POETS FROM THE ABOVE TEXTBOOK. FIVE POETS TO USE FROM THE ANTHOLOGY: 1.John Shaw Neilson 2. Lesbia Harford 3. Kenneth Slessor 4.Robert D. Fitzgerald 5.AD Hope One poem from each poet within the Anthology book