This week, you will complete the second of two Individual Assignments, the first of which was undertaken in Week 3 (see the attached file). The Individual Assignments are designed to develop your skills at applying the knowledge gained in the module to the development of a potential future proposal for a research project. Once you have established the research topic and framed your research question(s) you will need to consider how you will tackle these questions. This involves taking decisions related to the methodology to be followed as well as the chosen methods for data collection and analysis (quantitative or qualitative). To prepare for this Assignment: Review your Week 3 Individual Assignment and Instructor feedback. ”The topic of your proposed research as stated fairly clearly. Inflation itself has been the topic of study for a long period of time and has been approach from many directions as you know. You note that effect of inflation on corporate investment as been under researched as an intended research of the topic it will be important for you to consider why this might have been the case and whether there may be difficulties in obtaining data et cetera. I mention this is something to think about. In regard to your research questions are stated fairly clearly and appear to have both a quantitative objective aspect in terms of corporate investment, and the subjective aspect in terms of financing behaviour. In regard to the literature review, while quite a few articles have been cited the reviews themselves are quite brief often consisting of just a sentence. A literature review to examine the research in some depth making it clear to readers what the research was about, what conclusions were reached as well as in at least a few cases examining the research methodology and methods of data collection and analysis that were applied in the research. This is important because it will create a basis for indicating your own choice of methodology and supporting it with the citation of these previous approaches. In your research motivation and feasibility section, there appears to be a contradiction to what has been stated earlier where you say that there is not been much research on this topic. The section states that there have been numerous case studies which can be helpful. This will need to be clarified. It appears that the research methodology to be followed will be based on a positivist approach using secondary data only. I should make clear that you cannot base your research on previously published working papers and journal articles. You will need to gather secondary data and analyse it yourself if the research is to make a contribution to knowledge. The section on where you will collect data is rather vague. It needed to be made clear what data you will collect, how you will ensure that the data is collected from reliable, and what time period and types of data you will collect. Will you be covering a particular region in terms of examining inflation? These aspects need to be made clear for the reader. In addition I’m not clear about how you will analyse financing behaviour on the basis of secondary data. While you may have ideas about this they need to be made clear. You go on to talk about collecting raw data which I presume is secondary data that you will collect from reliable and established sources and then subject to quantitative analysis such as hypothesis testing so that a meaningful analysis is carried out. However it will be for you to make that clear to readers rather than have them on fire it from what has been explained. You go on to indicate that you will carry out qualitative analysis, but I’m not clear how you will to that and why and with what data. These aspects need to be clarified. It is important that proposal is written in such a way that it flows logically and the information provided makes it clear to informed what nonexpert readers what you propose to do, why it is important, and how it will contribute to knowledge. The aspects noted above will need to be addressed as you prepare for the week seven submission which is a more detailed explanation of what you intend to do for your research and how you would go about doing it. This may be considered a first draft of that.” Consider how you may develop your ideas further, including epistemological stance, methodology, validity and reliability of the research design, data collection methods, sampling techniques, participant profile, data access, and ethics. To complete this Assignment: Prepare a report of approximately 1,500 words in which you: Discuss your chosen methodology and method for the collection of your data Indicate which methodology (such as survey, case study, action research) you wish to employ and why Explain how this is consistent with your epistemological stance Discuss the threats to validity and reliability contained in this research design Describe the data collection method(s) you will use (such as questionnaire, interviews, focus groups), and justify how these will be sufficient to answer your research question Describe your sampling technique and the reasons for the profile of your respondents when collecting primary data What are the problems that you may encounter in gaining access to your data? Provide strategies that can be useful to help you solve these problems Are there any ethical issues that you need to consider? Provide a brief discussion on how you plan to analyse your data and the tools that you may need for a proper analysis based on your method