1. Comment on your thinking of the “So That Statement” for Reyes HR department (this is the mission statement which describes the Who, What and Why of the HR team).
Who: The HR Team are strategic positioners who
What: Serve their internal customers to ensure core employee competencies, an engaged workforce and co-creation of strategic initiatives
Why: So that Reyes has sustained business success.
This is an example. You are to create your own “Statement” for Reyes HR”
Tool 4.1 HR Strategy Statement
HR STRATEGY STATEMENT Worksheet (RLB Group 2009)
An HR strategy gives focus and direction to the HR department. There are many versions and dimensions of strategy statements in general and HR in particular. We suggest that in transforming the strategy of a specific HR department, the statement of strategy (sometimes called strategic direction, intent, or architecture) should answer three questions, in this order:
1. Who are you? (vision) 2. What do you deliver? (mission or value propostion) 3. Why do you do it? (the results HR wants to achieve)
Who are you? Who we are represents an identity or image, which is what an HR strategy should offer those outside as well as inside the function (ie. thought leaders, change architects, facilitators, or coaches). We have found a simple
question helps frame the definition of identity: What are the top three things we (in HR) want to be known for by those who use our service?
What do you deliver? What we deliver is the set of outcomes described in Chapter 3 of “HR Transformations.” Defining HR deliverables comes from doing organization audits as described in Chapter 3.
Why do you do it? This question links back to the business context (Chapter 2) and specific business results tied to key stakeholders. These “so that” statements should imply measures that allow you to monitor the progress HR makes and the impact it has on the business.
Directions: Brainstorm individually, then refine with the entire HR transformation team. Putting the three statements together creates your HR Strategy Statement (you will likely select more than one result for each question but should have enough focus to select no more than three).
Example Worksheet
WE ARE thought leaders, change architects, AND facilitators
WHO build individual talent AND increase speed AND ensure productivity.
SO THAT we increase revenue, customer share, AND customer loyalty.
2: Mid-Point Check-In
We are at the mid-point in our course!
Please provide feedback on how you are progressing toward the learning outcomes stated for the course. Share, in addition, a tip or recommendation you have for the rest of the class for staying focused, organized and successful for the rest of the course.
Objectives for the first 4 weeks:
After completing this week, you should be able to:
identify and discuss how HR professionals can shift their focus from transactional activities to more value-added strategic ones
list and describe the HR activities that contribute the most to organizational effectiveness
discuss current challenges and myths facing organizations and HR professionals
explain the numerous relationships among HR activities and the organization’s competitive challenges
discuss the future of HR
define strategic human resource management and its implications for crafting HRM practices
describe how HR practitioners can add value to the areas of people, performance, information, and workflow, and how they can identify ways to institutionalize best practices in these areas
discuss barriers to crafting strategic human resource management practices and develop strategies to remove barriers
select appropriate strategies to expand opportunities for crafting strategic human resource management practices
discuss a number of different perspectives concerning competencies
explain what knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) are and how they are important in competency development
list five steps that are important for a validated competency model
describe the benefits of a competency model
describe a specific HR competency development model
develop specific roles and responsibilities for HR professionals at different levels
articulate five critical HR competencies
identify specific, measurable behaviors for HR competencies
discuss behavioral anchors or indicators and provide examples
explain the need to assess competencies, reward and recognize competency achievement, or take appropriate corrective action if competency achievement is not reached
explain why measurement is important
discuss Fitz-enz’s 11 guiding principles for human capital metrics (HCM)
demonstrate the difference between traditional HR metrics and HCM
list nine steps to metrics excellence
illustrate the AIM (awareness, investigation, monitoring/measurement) for Success Model
collect and analyze data using basic tools
develop a basic metrics plan to obtain key metrics