Medical-Surgical Nursing Course Paper (Please use attachment for part I)
Purpose: This paper is designed for the student to analyze both data from a client with commonly-occurring health needs and an issue in contemporary nursing and, to apply that issue to the client’s case. The analysis should show a working understanding of medical-surgical nursing concepts taught in second semester and address socio-cultural and client diversity needs. The student is expected to demonstrate effective use of Harford Community College library resources and to differentiate between credible and non-credible sources.
Structure & Task:
Part I: Select a client scenario of interest. The client should be someone for whom you have cared as part of the N105 clinical experience. Summarize:
· Client scenario and medical background , relevant care
· Justify the selection of this client scenario—explain why it is of interest. The client’s situation should be applicable to Part II.
Part II: Identify a contemporary nursing issue from the topics provided and relate this to the client scenario in Part I. Summarize the issue and analyze how it applies to your client’s situation. This may be laid out as follows:
1. Introduction to the issue (this should serve as introduction to the paper itself (at beginning of Part 1 and should tie in the client)
2. Analysis of issue and what the literature says about it. Analyze at least 1 article, describing the impact of the issue on current nursing practice. The article must be from a nursing journal and must be peer-reviewed. Articles should have a publication date within the last 5 years. You may use additional articles, websites, and books as references as needed. Discuss the strength of the evidence in this article, which means asking yourself a question: Is the evidence convincing and based on strong data?
3. Reflect on the issue and how it relates to the client. Literature may be referenced. Compare what you saw in clinical practice with the literature.
4. Conclude with nursing implications and implications for the client.
APA format, 4-5 pages, 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced. This includes introduction, body, and conclusion. Paper is to be word processed and uploaded to Blackboard; PDFs of articles used should also be uploaded to Blackboard along with the paper.
Questions to help you get started:
1. What do you already know about this issue, and what is new to you?
2. Did you discover anything in the literature that contradicted what you already thought you knew, or believed?
3. Do you find the reasoning in the articles convincing? Do they offer credible evidence?
4. Are there parts of the articles/issue that you do not understand?
5. Do you have any evidence that the issue impacted your client?
6. What issues from the list could potentially impact your client?
Tips for a successful paper:
1. Start early. You may select a client at any point during clinical, and selecting a client and an issue early will allow you plenty of time to submit everything.
2. Websites are often useful to generally educate you about an issue; nursing articles are useful in finding out how that issue affects nursing. You are encouraged to add your thoughts/opinions about how the issue may affect or has affected your client, but you must search the nursing literature to see if you can support your claims. Think about it before you research! (Example: Student learns more about climate change, which has many effects, and thinks, “I bet that hotter temperatures could affect patients with heart failure,” or “Predicted rising pollen counts could affect my client with asthma,” –Then, go to the nursing literature and search for temperature effects on heart failure or exacerbation of asthma attacks and contributing factors. It may be a two-step process, instead of just searching “climate change” and “heart failure” together.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask your clinical instructor for help! He/she is grading your paper. This is not an entire care plan of the client, as is the Level II project, but you do need to understand your client’s primary problem and treatments well. Your clinical instructor can help to clarify your thoughts about this. Your clinical instructor may also have some background with the issue you select. You are also encouraged to come to the course coordinator for advice if you are unclear about any aspects of the paper.
4. An ethical, social, or legal issue may arise during care that automatically gives you an issue of interest for your paper. If you would like to suggest a topic that is not on the list, please email your instructor and copy the course coordinator by email. If approved, you may help expand the topic list for future semesters!
5. Use APA correctly. Below is a helpful list of APA expectations adopted by our nursing department for students while they are in the program. A basic working knowledge of these will prepare you for work in your baccalaureate program. Don’t hesitate to ask your clinical instructor or the course coordinator for help if you are not sure about the meaning of any of these guidelines.
Guidelines for APA 6th Edition Undergraduate Nursing Use
Organizational Areas of APA Content
Objectives: (Students are expected to–)
Writing in the discipline (Section I)
· Identify types of articles (reports, studies, reviews, case studies)
· Select articles appropriately, following course rubric instructions
· Be able to identify and avoid intentional and unintentional plagiarism
Structure and Writing (Sections II & III)
· Organize and format paper correctly (title page to reference page)
· Write clearly and concisely, maintaining logical and orderly sequence
Style Mechanics (Section IV)
· Demonstrate correct grammar and usage
· Spell all words correctly
· Use numbers and abbreviations correctly
Crediting & Referencing Sources (Sections VI & VIII)
· Cite sources correctly within the paper
· Use quotations correctly within the paper, avoiding over-use of quotes
· Link citations for courses to the reference list
· Format reference list correctly