Work Environments, Self-care, and Professional Wellness
five ways that you think organizations, for instance counseling centers, could support a healthy work environment. This work environment would be protective against vicarious trauma. Offer specific details about what the work place would do to support employees and how these efforts would be helpful to those employees. How would leaders of the organization know that their efforts were paying off?
Learning Resources
Media Carousel: Trauma-Response Helping Professionals
Course Text: Treating Compassion Fatigue
Chapter 3, “Stress Response of Mental Health Workers Following Disaster: The Oklahoma City Bombing”
Chapter 4, “Secondary Traumatic Stress in Case Managers Working in Community Mental Health Services”
Course Text: Quitangon, G. & Evces, M. (2015). Vicarious Trauma and Disaster Mental Health: Understanding Risks and Promoting Resilience. New York: Routlege
Chapter 12
Article: Beehr, T., Bowling, N. & Bennett, M. (2010). Occupational stress and failures of social support: When helping hurts. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 15(1), 45–59.
Article: Fahy, A. (2007). The unbearable fatigue of compassion: Notes from a substance abuse counselor who dreams of working at Starbuck’s. Clinical Social Work Journal, 35(3), 199–205.
Article: O’Brien, P. (2006). Creating compassion and connection in the workplace. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 25(1), 16–36.
Article: Phelps, A., Lloyd, D., Creamer, M., & Forbes, B. (2009). Caring for careers in the aftermath of trauma. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 18(3), 313–330.
Article: Rubino, C., Luksyte, A., Perry, S., & Volpone, S. (2009). How do stressors lead to burnout? The mediating role of motivation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14(3), 289–304.