Theory: Theory of planned behavior
Model Name: The Community Tool Box (CTB) (University of Kansas Work Group, 1995, 2009)
You will upload 2 power points. See above for your assignment of one theory and one model to construct a power point for each. You have one power point for your theory and one power point for your model. Put these in 2 separate power points. You must have at least 8 slides per theory and 8 slides per model. Save as a power point. Watch for strange endings when you save your files as these cannot usually be opened easily.
Follow the template given in the text document below for the headings for each power point slide. Each listing should be your power point heading for each slide. You will need to construct the power point; I want to see if you can do this. You need at least 5 peer reviewed journal articles for the theory and 5 for the model. You can use additional resources as a textbook or other online materials. See the format and follow it as written and in the same order and number each as listed. List each title in the power point and use as the title for each slide. List the information required and reference each slide (see APA format for internal references). Everything should be referenced. You must reference each slide for both the theory and the model and use all 5 journal articles for each power point. Any photographs copied must also be referenced. List a reference list with full citations in APA format in the power point slides at the end.