Cover network standards and research current trends and expectations for network telecommunication standards. Research into areas of network telecommunication standards.
Carry your research even further exploring standardization bodies in the area of telecommunication networks including:
3GPP for cellular networks, IEEE 802.11
BBF for wireline networks,
IETF for the Future Internet,
ONF for software-defined networks,
ETSI ISG NFV for network functions virtualization,
oneM2M for machine-to-machine communications
ETSI TC ITS for intelligent transportation systems.
Then prepare a prepare a five-page paper discussing in scholarly detail how these standardization organizations help the telecommunications industry to support and encourage interoperability between businesses allowing a communal ground where all stakeholders can voice opinions regarding the direction these standards should follow.
General Paper Requirements:
Paper will need to include an APA cover page.
Paper will need to include a 100 to 150 word abstract.
Paper will need to be a minimum of 2,000 words not including the cover page, abstract, and reference page.
Paper will need to be supported with a minimum of three academic resources.