Topics chosen to address are The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, bioterrorism
KINE 3354 – Emergency Preparedness and Management
Course Portfolio Assignment Instructions
For the overall purpose of this assignment, please consider this synthesis of “Portfolio Research: A Slim Collection,” as Herman and Winters (1994) note the following:
Well-designed portfolios represent important, contextualized learning that requires complex thinking and
expressive skills. Traditional tests have been criticized as being insensitive to local curriculum and
instruction, and assessing not only student achievement but aptitude. Portfolios are being heralded as
vehicles that provide a more equitable and sensitive portrait of what students know and are able to do. (Educational Leadership, October 1994, pp. 48-55)
Portfolios encourage instructors and students to focus on important student outcomes and provide
the community with credible evidence of student achievement, and inform policy and practice at every
level of the educational system. (Educational Leadership, October 1994, pp. 48-55)
Therefore, you are required to complete an electronic portfolio for this course.
The following sections are required for your portfolio. However, the organization of the sections is completely up to you. Your portfolio should be easy to navigate and should be a representation of your professional accomplishments thus far.
1. Name – Your name should appear prominently as a header
2. Major – can go underneath your name, also list your projected graduation date
3. Courses Completed (previous, in progress, planned, etc)
· List specific Public Health-related coursework and their catalog descriptions
· (Optional) Briefly summarize the most important concepts from the course
4. Research Interests
5. NIMS and CDC TRAIN Certificates
· Each certificate should be uploaded into the NIMS / Emergency Management / CDC Training Section of your portfolio
· I suggest you utilize a link to the documents and label by Course # and Name
· Example:
1. IS 100 – Introduction to the Incident Command System (make the title a hyperlink to the document, if possible)
2. IS 200 – Introduction to …
6. Personal Protection Plan
· Since this is a single document, you may upload this document into the appropriate section of your portfolio
7. Writing Sample (Optional)
· If Preferred, you can show this in the portfolio as “Pending” or “Will be posted at a later time”
8. Academic Goals
· List specific academic goals –
· Graduate School
· Specializations
9. Professional Goals
· List specific professional goals
10. Volunteer Activities
· List these specifically to include –
· Organization or Company
· Applicable date ranges
11. Internships
· List these specifically to include –
· Organization or Company
· Applicable date ranges
12. Course Reflection Assignment
Websites for Creating Online Portfolios:
· https://www.weebly.com/
· https://www.portfoliogen.com/
· https://www.wix.com/
· https://portfolio.adobe.com/start
· Google Sites
The sites listed above are only suggestions. If you are able to locate a site you like better, feel free to use it. Please make sure the site is professional in nature and you are able to share the link for grading.
Grading Criteria / Rubric:
Total Points Possible
30 points
Includes Name
10 points
Lists Major and Graduation Date
10 points
Public Health Courses Completed, In progress, projected completion
25 points
Discussion of Specific Research Interests
15 points
NIMS / CDC Train Certificates
100 points
Includes all earned NIMS / CDC Train Certificates (10 total)
Personal Protection Plan
55 points
Includes file or link to Personal Protection Plan
Academic and Professional Goals
50 points
Lists specific academic goals
25 points
Lists specific professional goals
25 points
Volunteer and/or internship activities
25 points
Lists applicable volunteer and/or internship activities and related information
Course Reflection
25 points
Includes course reflection document
Overall Formatting and Professionalism
50 points
Ease of access
10 points
APA citations and references if required
10 points
Professional Formatting
10 points
Grammar, punctuation, etc.
10 points
On-time submission
10 points
335 points
Your total points will be converted to a percent score by dividing the points earned by 335.
Portfolio Submission:
The link to your portfolio must be included in the comments section of the submission forum.
Revised 5/14/19