Assignment Instructions
Assignment 3 – Property Manager Interview Instructions: You are to interview a hypothetical property manager and submit a written account of the interview. This interview can be in person, telephone or via e-mail. You will prepare a list of questions to discuss with the Property Manager during the first 4 weeks of the class. The research paper will be at least 10 pages in length (double spaced) and address a relevant topic such as Fair Housing, Role and Responsibilities of a Property Manager, etc. Add a title page.Double space your document.Add an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.
Undergraduate Research Paper Rubric
Undergraduate research is becoming more important in higher education as evidence is accumulating that clear, inquiry-based learning, scholarship, and creative accomplishments can and do foster effective, high levels of student learning. This curricular innovation includes identifying a concrete investigative problem, carrying out the project, and sharing findings with peers. The following standards describe effective research papers.
8-10 Exemplary
4-7 Satisfactory
1-3 Unacceptable
Total Score
Clearly states problem and question to be resolved; clearly summarizes method, results, and conclusions
Summarizes problem, method, results, and conclusions but lacks some details
Is vague about the problem; does not provide a summary of the whole project
Provides background research into the topic and summarizes important findings from the review of the literature; describes problem to be solved; justifies the study; explains the significance of the problem to an audience of non-specialists
Provides background research into the topic and describes the problem to be solved
Provides background research into the topic but does not describe the problem to be solved; gives insufficient or nonexistent explanation of details to non-specialists
Addresses the topic with clarity; organizes and synthesizes information; draws conclusions
Addresses the topic; lacks substantive conclusions; sometimes digresses from topic of focus
Provides little to no clarity in formulating conclusions and/or organization,
Presents a clear logical explanation for findings, recommendations and/or implications for future research and/or application
Presents a logical explanation for findings
Does not adequately explain findings
Mechanics and documentation
Is free or almost free of errors of grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics; appropriately documents sources
Has errors but they don’t represent a major distraction; documents sources
Has errors that obscure meaning of content or add confusion; neglects important sources or documents few to no sources
Grand Total ___________________
1/18/2014 – Management Program Writing Rubrics