Instructions: One a word document, create a 5 to 10-minute counseling script with a participant of your choice that demonstrates these techniques: reflection of content, feeling, and meaning without the use of questions. Please label each techniques. Then, on another separate document write a brief reflection of the session. The reflection needs to cover:
1. Who are you working with?
2. What were your reflection triads
Client: I am really having a difficult time with my child
Counselor: You seem frustrated
Client: Yes, I am really frustrated.
3. Was the reflection a reflection of content, feeling, or meaning?
4. How would you rate your reflection: Subtractive, Basic, or Additive? Why?
Subtractive – Your responses sometimes gave back less than or distorted what the client said. Was your reflection inaccurate?
Basic – Your reflections were basically interchangeable with what the client said. Was your reflection accurate?
Additive – Your reflections added something beyond what the client said. Did you reflection help the client see new perspectives?
5. What did you find useful about this practice?