TOPIC: Asking good Questions
You will be assigned to a Professional Learning Community (PLC) group that will investigate a Special Topic.
Make sure to complete the following steps:
1. Read and research the topic assigned to you. Your research may include professional articles, official websites, books, videos, pictures, etc. Sources such as Wikipedia will not be accepted because they are not reliable.
2. prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share the information you have discovered about your special topic with the rest of the members in this course.
3. Upload your PowerPoint
Below is an example of the power point I will need using articles instead of websites.
Conversations with Children! Asking Questions That Stretch Children’s Thinking
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The websites listed discuss different techniques on how children can ask better questions that don’t strain children and over think too much. There is so much curiosity children go through, when students are able to ask their own questions it gives them a self a conferences and helps build their knowledge. There are different questions you can ask your students before reading a book, during and after as well.
Asking questions is a very important form of communication. It is helpful in discovering a person’s individual way of thinking and their mental blocks and applying a specific mindset to help them achieve their goals. Around the ages of two and five is when a child is mostly interested in their surroundings; therefore all the questions they ask. Their minds are curious, explorers, and discovers. The most important thing is to encourage children to ask questions as an opportunity to engage with other peers and learn new things.
Make sure you are answering every child with a positive response to encourage them to keep asking more questions
Effective self-questioning can improve students awareness and control of their thinking.It can improve long-term retention of knowledge and skills
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The benefits
What are the benefits of using technology in classrooms?
It can be a major learning tool. Teachers can use technology with the use of animation, powerpoint slides, and images to capture the students attention.
Top 5 benefits of using technology in the classroom
Improves engagement
Improves knowledge retention
Encourages individual learning
Encourages collaboration
Students can learn useful life skills through technology
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