The student will submit two (2) 5-page reports pertaining to the major leadership themes stemming from the Forrest/Roden textbook reading assignments. Each paper must contain a title page, 1-page introduction, 3-page summary analyses of major leadership themes, and a 1-pageconclusion and bibliography/reference page. The report must be in the style format pertaining to the student’s degree program
After reading through the 14 chapters dedicated to the N.T. provide a concise summary of 3 major themes per testament. Summarize each theme but more importantly provide an analysis identifying the reasons why each theme is especially important to you or to our generation in regards to practicing Godly leadership no matter the context of one’s vocation or location.
LEAD 510 Biblical Leadership Theme Report Grading Rubric
Levels of Achievement
Content 70%
Advanced 92-100% (A)
Proficient 84-91% (B)
Developing 1-83% (< C) Not present Introduction 5 Provides a 1-page (250-300 words) introduction with a strong thesis statement supported by at least one footnote/citation 4 Provides a 200-249 word introduction with a thesis statement –supported by documentation 1-3 Provides an introduction of less than 200 words – no thesis statement- no support documentation 0 points Summary & Analysis 55-60 Provides full summary of 3 themes and a complete analysis identifying the reasons why each theme is especially important to you or to our generation in regards to practicing Godly leadership no matter the context of one's vocation or location. 50-54 Provides a summary of 3 themes and partial analysis identifying the reasons why each theme is especially important to you or to our generation in regards to practicing Godly leadership no matter the context of one's vocation or location. 1-49 Provides an insufficient summary of 3 themes and an incomplete analysis of the reasons why each theme is especially important to practicing Godly leadership. 0 points Conclusion 5 250-300 word conclusion demonstrating how the thesis can be realized by leaders in the current ministry or life context. 4 200-249 word conclusion demonstrating how the thesis can be realized by leaders in the current ministry or life context. 1-3 Less than 200 word conclusion –no correlation to thesis statement . 0 points Structure 30% Advanced 92-100% (A) Proficient 84-91% (B) Developing 1-83% (< C) Not present Structure 28-30 Format, Title page and Bibliography are free from grammar/spelling errors and are consistent with formatting of the student’s program (e.g. Turabian, APA and AMA formatting guides are provided by Liberty University) 25-27 Format, Title page and Bibliography have 6-10 grammar/spelling errors and are inconsistent with formatting of the student’s program (e.g. Turabian, APA and AMA formatting guides are provided by Liberty University) 1-24 Format, Title page and Bibliography have more than 10 grammar/spelling errors and do not correlate with formatting of the student’s program 0 points