Your task is to come up with a design concept for the play Oedipus Rex that you read in the previous module. Begin by looking at images from past productions of the play. What set, costume, lighting, and other visual elements stand out to you? What choices might you make if you were to direct a production of the show? What would you want the overall look to be? Finally, how can you distill all of that down into one or two sentences that designers could use to inform their specific design choices? In your final submission of this blog, start with the design concept statement (1-2 sentences). Then proceed, in 2-3 paragraphs, to detail what the design features might look like in the final production of the hypothetical show you are designing. You may include photos if they would help you to communicate your ideas, but not in lieu of a verbal description. Design elements that need to be included in the blog entry include: set, costumes, props, and lighting. If you would like to also include a discussion about the sound design, you may do so as well.
Grading Criteria
Your response should be a minimum of 250 words and should follow MLA formatting conventions. Please make sure to use appropriate spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation.