Go to broadway.com where you will find a listing for each show on Broadway. Spend some time looking around the site and pick a musical or play that seems interesting to you. On the page for each show, you will find a variety of information, including a brief description of the story, a list of cast and creative team, and reviews of the play. Feel free to use other sites to gain additional information for your research of your chosen show, if necessary; broadway.com is just a starting point.
Write a 500-word essay about this production. Please make sure that this essay is composed of your own words, not simply copied and pasted from the web. Any quotations should be cited appropriately (MLA format). Within your essay, make sure to address to address the following questions: What is the play about? What kind of play is it? (musical/straight play; comedy/drama; family show/adults only; etc)How long has the play been running on Broadway? How has it been received? What makes this play unique from others on Broadway? Has anyone famous been involved in the play, now or in previous productions? This could be someone in the play, or the director, playwright, designer, choreographer, etc. If you were to go see a Broadway play today, would you choose this one to go to?