• Has your definition of ethics and professional ethics changed
Reflect on the reading materials, videos, discussions, and written assignment for Module 3. Consider things such as:
· Has your definition of ethics and professional ethics changed based on the first 3 modules?
· What do you consider to be your obligation in helping others? Should it include volunteering your time?
· Is professional distance possible? Healthy? Realistic?
· How does justice reflect in your profession?
· Does your organization involve itself with being socially responsible? If so, how?
Module 3
Social Responsibility and Client Issues
Module 3’s required readings are from your textbook, Meaningful Work (Chapters 4, 5 and 6), and an Internet search of the concept of Justice. As you read the materials for Module 3, consider the importance of responsibility to others in society. Develop a good definition of social responsibility and what it means to consider the common good. Reading this module should help you determine your obligations in dealing with others around you in your workplace (and partners out of your workplace) and others in your community. Issues of maintaining professional distance should also be considered. Professionals must deal with others in a caring way, but must maintain a professional approach when working with others. Consider the importance of ensuring justice for people and how your job is affected by issues of justice for yourself and others. Some of the major topics to review in this module are listed below:
Corporate Social Responsibility Video
While this is not a business ethics course, the affect from corporations is undeniable. A lawyer may be requested to do pro bono work, and within corporations, there may be pressure to be involved in a variety of volunteer and charitable organizations. However, there is a responsibility to the corporation to act socially (and ethically) beyond simply its employees. The Youtube video below provides a beginning foundation. The Additional Resources tab also expands this topic. Video is 11 minutes.
Social Work Ethical Dilemma
The importance of this short (5 minute) video is to learn some common ethical dilemmas. This is a role play situation which presents additional facts throughout. You will need to view this vi
Module 1
What Is Your Ethics IQ?
This is from an NBC interview with “The Ethics Guy”, Bruce Weinstein. This short video (5:40) provides an overview about ethics and how it can be applied to everyday life. There are 3 scenerios which are discussed (with different options), and why one choice is the most ethical. In addition, he provides a list of the 5 Principles of Ethics. These principles are important to know! This video will be beneficial for your discussion posts, assignment paper, a10 Types of Plagiarism
This is an excellent video to examine different types of plagiarism. This video is especially beneficial to your case study (must be viewed before you can access the Module 1 Case Discussion board). It is also important for your review quiz. The topic of plagiarism is a lot more complicated than many students realized. Given the access to technology, both the types of plagiarism and the amount of plagiarism have increased. Hopefully this video will also be beneficial for your entire academic career. The video is under 4 minutes in length.
Critical Thinking
Along with the required assigned articles on Critical Thinking, this video will explain some of the basic concepts of critical thinking. Critical thinking allows you to find solutions to a multitude of problems, not simply one problem. This video provides information in how to identify and minimize your own personal biases and flaws. And how to create the skills for evaluating information and evaluating our thought in a disciplined way. It is important to understand what a false dichotomy is, and how to avoid this pitfall of reaoning. Play close attention to the qualities of a critical thinker.
This video must be viewed before you can have access to the Critical Thinking extra credit discussion board. Video is 5:13
Module 2
Code of Ethics – CEO Video
This award winning Youtube video addresses whether or not CEOs should follow (or can follow) a Code of Ethics similar to a Professional Code of Ethics.
This idea was discussed by Mike Martin in Chapter 2 of your textbook (Meaningful Work). Do you think CEOs (given that profit motives exist) can operate within a Code of Ethics? Do you agree or disagree with the conclusions offered on this video? and why?
University Websites
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University (new window)
Hoffman Center for Business Ethics at Bentley College (new window)
Non-Profit Organizations and/or Foundations
Ethics Resource Center (new window)
International Business Ethics Institute (new window)
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Nonprofit Sector (PDF new window)
Professional Codes of Ethics
Australia Psychologist Code of Ethics in PDF format (opens in new window)
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (new window)
National Education Association Code of Ethics (new window)
National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics (new window)
Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics (new window)
National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics (new window)