Imagine that you are helping a new principal understand that there are a variety of theories related to leadership. Using the reading from this week, as well as additional Internet resources of your choosing, please create an attractive display (e.g., pamphlet, handout, etc.) of the key leadership theories. At minimum, please include the following:
1. The “Great Man” Theory
2. Traits Theory
3. Contingency Theory
4. Situational Theory
5. Behavioral Theory
6. Participative Theory
7. Transactional Theory
8. Transformational Theory
9. Skills Theory
Please clearly identify each theory and provide a detailed explanation of each. Your definition should be in your own words, to show that you clearly understand each theory (and you aren’t just copying a definition verbatim from a textbook, etc.)
In an attempt to help with recall of each of the Leadership Theories, please also provide an appropriate image/graphic to represent each theory within your display.
A rubric has been provided for this assignment.