Begin developing a strategic plan for your project. The material you gather should be included in the notes section on your PPT slides for your presentation in the final week of this class.
You should take the information presented in your Design Project Presentation and now put more detail into the Design by creating a strategic plan for the implementation of the Design plan. There should be a discussion of the
1. External environment that may impact the plan. https://www.mageplaza.com/blog/what-are-internal-external-environmental-factors-that-affect-business.html
2. The potential competitors to the project.
3. The internal environment that may impact the plan. What are the internal resources needed to complete the plan. https://www.mageplaza.com/blog/what-are-internal-external-environmental-factors-that-affect-business.html
4. Associated costs and benefits for the implementation of the plan.
5. Responsible parties for the completion of the plan.
6. Milestones & Time-frame for the plan.
7. Options to overcome any obstacles to complete the plan.
Please organize the plan in these sections:
1. Introduction
2. External & Competitor Analysis
3. Internal Analysis
4. Costs & Benefits
5. Responsibility
6. Implementation Milestones & Time-frames
7. Options to Overcome Obstacles
8. Conclusion
9. References