This assignment requires that you submit a 2 page paper (12-pt Times Roman, excluding the title and reference pages) on a topic related to the course. The paper must be written in APA format with a cover page and a reference page consisting of a minimum of eight references, not using the textbook or web pages.
Behavioral Addictions People go through life, with different types of habits. These are adapted activities, they unconsciously take part in, in their everyday life. Just like habits, people have behavioral addictions. These are insignificant things they depend on on to survive their everyday life. They are reinforcements sent to the brain that make people want to engage in these actions over and over again. For some people, these actions, may cause a negative impact in their life, for example bankruptcy, incarceration or even homelessness, while for other people, it may cause no significant impact in their lives. No matter the outcome, people with behavioral addictions, obtain a certain amount of dopamine released into their brain, that is euphoric, making it very difficult for them to disengage from their activities