Create a Abstract/Executive Summary using the key points in the paper that is attached.
The draft report should have all the required information and should be as close to the final report as possible. You MUST follow the format below for your final project report:
Title: The title is a concise statement of the subject of the paper.
Abstract/Executive Summary: The abstract is an “executive overview” of your paper. It should be a 50-l00 word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your project without reading the paper in its entirety.
Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper, with the page number. The list should also include tables and figures.
Body of the Report: Follow your submitted outline, making sure the body of your paper answers the questions outlined in the Team Project Report and Presentation Guidelines.
Appendices and Graphics, if included.: The abstract is an “executive overview” of your paper. It should be a 50-l00 word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your project without reading the paper in its entirety.
Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper, with the page number. The list should also include tables and figures.
Body of the Report: Follow your submitted outline, making sure the body of your paper answers the questions outlined in the Team Project Report and Presentation Guidelines.
Appendices and Graphics, if included.
Public Space Travel
Executive Summary
This study explores the impact of public space travel. The entry of private space companies such as Virgin Galactic and SpaceX have turned science fiction into reality by making commercial space travel possible. Public space travel is expected to generate entirely new economies and revenue streams. However, it also poses serious challenges that will have to be overcome before commercial space travel will be considered as a viable alternative for the general public. Some of these challenges include health risks, mechanical failure and loss of jobs.
The improvement in technology has opened space travel to the general public. Today, people can travel to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of space tourism. Public and private companies, including NASA, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic, have ventured into public space tourism. In 2018, the Virgin Galactic rocket became the first human commercial plane to fly to space and land safely (Johnson, 2018). As a result, public space travel is becoming a reality.
Key Societal Impacts
· The general public space travel is expected to generate more than $10 billion in revenues annually (NASA, 1998).
· Space travel technology produces health hazards, including space motion sickness and muscle atrophy (Kandarpa, Schneider & Ganapathy, 2019).
· Historically more men than women travel to space.
· Malfunction in technology poses serious risks.
· Public Space Travel could change human relationships.
Even though public space travel will generate billions of dollars in revenues, it also poses serious risks to humans; both health and safety. Due to the vast amount of money going into public space transportation, space technology will ultimately contribute many jobs in the near future.
Johnson, E.M. (2018, Dec. 18). Virgin Galactic completes crewed space tests, more flights soon. Reuters, Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-virgingalactic-rockets/virgin-galactic-completes-crewed-space-test-more-flights-soon-idUSKBN1OC1HA
Kandarpa, K., Schneider, V., & Ganapathy, K. (2019). Human health during space travel: An overview. Neurology India, 67(Supplement), S176–S181.