Describe and discuss at least two backup strategies. Discuss the use of cloud backup strategies, as well?
Students are required to post one original response to the discussion questions each week, as well as a response to one classmate. Original responses should not be a word for word rehashing of what is stated in the readings, but rather an integration of the concepts and additional insights, either from real world experience or additional sources. It should be a 250 word response to the question each week by 11 p.m. on Wednesday evening. Your primary posting may end with a tag-line or a related question of your own. Between 1 a.m. on Thursday and 11 p.m. on Saturday, you should have done your secondary posting. Your secondary posting is a response to one classmate’s post. Each answer/response should be supported with research. Responses to classmates should not be “I agree” or “I like the way you stated that.” These responses should again be insightful, offering an opinion or facts based on your research and experiences. The response to one classmate should be a minimum of 125 words. See APA criteria for citing resources. You must provide a minimum of a reference, in APA format, in your original response.
Week 7 Discussion Question
by Venkata Ramana Bukka – Saturday, February 15, 2020, 3:20 PM
There are various types of backup strategies. Some backup strategies require much time while others do not. A normal backup normally takes a very long time since it is required to backup all the files which have already been selected so that it can produce a complete backup. The first type of backup is the full backup; this kind of backup is majorly used when backing up the files which are already in the system (Qain et al., 2013). The type of backup duplicates all the sectors from a specific disk or the disks into another different storage system. The other type of backup is the incremental backup; this type of backup duplicate all the files which have been changed as from the last full backup on the same day the incremental backup was run. For instance, the backup plan for the whole week with daily incremental backups offers for a full backup to run on Sunday while the incremental backup will run on Monday involving all the files which have been changed as from Sunday.
Cloud backup is a recent strategy used by most companies. Cloud backup is cheap and secure as well. This strategy involves the passage of duplicated files from the internet platform to an offsite server located in clouds (Nelson & Brown, 2011). The company manages this kind of backup, only the authorized personnel are permitted to access the data if needed thus, reducing the chances of data loss.