Discuss Internal Validity, and distinguish it from External Validity. Provide an example of each and feel free to be as outlandish as your author. Touch on each of these points: Time order, Correlation, Plausible alternatives, History, Maturation, and Regression to the Mean. Address why Measurement Validity matters. Describe your understanding of Statistical Conclusion Validity, and (sorry!) your understanding of regression to the mean. Provide an example but not anything close enough to your author’s that I am not sure you really understand it. Make it clear. Those of you who had me for Research Methods and Project in undergraduate will probably find this question section way TOO easy, but answer it anyway Does correlation imply causation? Why or why not? (And note: I will take off extra points for anybody who can’t differentiate between causal and casual. Really. Just test me.) OR watch this clip from Jon Stewart, and comment on it in the context of correlation and causation: https://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wedmarch62013/exclusiveneildegrassetysonextendedinterviewpt1 (Links to an external site.) https://www.cc.com/shows/thedailyshowwithjonstewart/interviews/4rn3vk/neildegrassetysonextendedinterview (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(starts after the 4 minute mark, although you might get a bonus point for noting the cultural competence booboo that Dr. Tyson makes in the clip,) too. Address blind raters/blind ratings. How might you if you needed to make that happen in your practice? Choose 2 of the 3 Review Exercises on pp. 9697 and answer them. From the authors of Freakonomics explaining Correlation versus Causality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8ADnyw5ou8 From TED Talk explaining Correlation versus Causality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B271L3NtAw