A. In this activity, assess the legacy of colonialism in Africa.
B. Select an African nation (other than Liberia or Ethiopia), and write 500+ words about the background that includes information about:
when it was colonized
what nation colonized it
what were the conditions like under the rule of colonizers
when did it become a free nation
how were the borders established
the overall legacy of colonialism and link this to data of that country at the world bank.
Relate this to Dependency Theory
A. Read in Sociological Odyssey Ch. 41 “Indian Call Centers” by Taylor and Bain
1. What are the advantages of ‘offshoring’ to the companies that employ the services of workers in countries such as India? How do the service industries compare to the manufacturing industries in terms of their treatment of workers in developing countries? What problems might this create for economies such as the United States’?
2. Describe the typical work life of an Indian call worker. What problems do these workers encounter while on the job? How do they feel about their jobs? In your opinion, are we doing these workers a favor by employing them at wages much higher than the average wage in their country or are we doing them a disservice by employing them in call centers? Please explain and defend your answers.