write three chapters of PhD thesis (41,000 words), collect most of the required data and wrote around 60,000 words,
Thesis in PhD in Business Administration.
Summary of Thesis: “This study was motivated by to assess and investigate determine the role of utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) & Advanced Meters System (AMS) in Omani Electricity DISCOS and its relationship to improving the performance and reduce Aggregate Technical and Commercial Losses (AT & C Losses), also to assess the inability by electricity utilities to embrace power distribution and supply technologies in the country despite numerous trials. Electricity utility companies in the global have leveraged power of technology already. Oman can learn from these countries on the use of ICT & AMS to improve its distribution system. The harnessing of these technologies can help Omani Electricity DISCOS to reduce their AT& C losses and enhance their financial wellness. It has become necessary to assesses technology utilization in power distribution. The focus should be on the specific aspects affecting the adoption and diffusion of AMS in Omani Electricity DISCOS. The findings of this research on the adoption and diffusion of AMS among Oman Electricity DISCOS to reduce AT&C Losses, improve performance and customer satisfaction in Omani Electricity DISCOS.”
Research Framework.
1- Write thesis for PhD in Business Administration
You can select or write or change the thesis topic as per the information inside attached file (more than 60,000 words wrote by myself) & as per best practices of PhD thesis:
The Role of Automated Meter System (AMS) in Power Distribution and Supply: A Study of Omani Electricity Distributions and Supply Companies (DISCOS)”.
“Assessment of Automated Meter System (AMS) Utilization in Power Distribution and Supply: A Study of Oman Electricity Distributions and Supply Companies (DISCOS)”.
“Assessment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Utilization in Power Distribution and Supply: A Study of Oman Electricity Distributions and Supply Companies (DISCOS).
2- Writing Requirements (41,000 words):
The new design after restructure thesis should be:
Abstract: Should to be 1000 words
Chapter 1 Introduction: Should to be 7000 words
Chapter 2 Literature Review: Should to be 15000 words
Chapter 3 Research Methodology: Should to be 15000 words
References: Should be more than 30 references
Survey questionnaire: not less than 1500 words
Diagrams: you should be included (Free 500 words to draw the Diagrams)
3- Writing Abstract:
The new design after restructure should be:
Abstract: Should to be 1000 words.
Diagrams of Framework of study: Should to be included.
Red texts: not correct & Incompatible &with thesis & mandatory to change as best PhD practices.
Red texts with yellow highlight: not correct & should change as best PhD practices.
Black texts: this is correct information about my organization & my goal to write my thesis, but you can change as per best PhD practices, in order to coordinate the complete thesis.
My problem: I cannot complete write good and correct Abstract as well, because I cannot design summary of Introduction, Research Methodology & Literature Review.
Your task to write best 1000 words by used the correct words (black texts, because these black text display our organization case).
Abstract display my plan to write the thesis.
References: Should be more than 10 references
4- Writing Introduction:
The new design after restructure should be:
Introduction: Should to be 7000 words.
(Background of Study, Problem Statement, Research Questions, Hypothesis of Study, Significance of Study, Limitation of Study, Research Methodology, Research Framework & Thesis Structure): Should write & restructure as per best practices of writing as per guidance of attached files.
Diagrams of Framework of study: Should to be included.
Red texts: not correct & incompatible & with thesis & mandatory to change as best PhD practices.
Red texts with yellow highlight: not correct & incompatible & with thesis & mandatory to change as best PhD practices.
Black texts: this is correct information about my organization & my goal to write my thesis, but you can change as per best PhD practices, in order to coordinate the complete thesis.
My problem: I cannot complete write good and correct Introduction as well, because I cannot design the Introduction which match with Research Methodology & Literature Review.
Your task to write best 7000 words by used the correct words (black texts, because these black text display our organization case and my plan to write the thesis).
Background of study display my plan to write the thesis. But I cannot write and design the correct of (Background of Study, Problem Statement, Research Questions, Hypothesis of Study, Significance of Study, Limitation of Study, Research Methodology, and Research Framework & Thesis Structure)
References: Should be more than 20 references
5- Writing Literature Review:
The new design after restructure should be:
Literature Review: Should to be 15,000 words.
Literature Review should support, match and explain Background of Study, Problem Statement, Research Questions, Hypothesis of Study, Significance of Study, Limitation of Study, Research Methodology & Research Framework): Should be write & restructure as per best practices of writing to support the topic.
You can use the current Literature Review of Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) Losses in the electricity Sector, Literature Review of ICT in Electricity Utilities, Literature Review of Omani Electricity DISCOS, Adoption & Diffusion of ICT & AMS in Omani Electricity Sector & Theoretical Framework and User Acceptance. If you see this Literature Review will support the thesis. All black text is correct information.
Diagrams and Framework of study: Should to be included.
Red texts: not correct & incompatible & with thesis & mandatory to change as best PhD practices.
6- Writing Research Methodology:
The new design after restructure should be:
Research Methodology: Should to be 15,000 words.