Examine the use of mental subjectivity – where parts of the film are told through one character’s
POV (point-of-view) – as in Spirit of the Beehive (Víctor Erice, 1973)
develop a sophisticated argument that is substantive, specific, and contestable; support your argument through a close, insightful analysis
Here below are what my teacher wants so ı can have a passing grade and the feedback he given on my previous essay PLEASEEEE MAKE SURE OF THESE POINTS:
write in a manner that is well organized, clear, and correct.
Do not forget to cite everything you searched up used, looked. 6 pages, double-spaced, 12-pt font, 1” margins. Make sure to have a strong title. Make sure the essay has a great hook. All film titles should be italicized (like books, magazines, newspapers). When you first introduce a film title you should then follow it with the name of the director and the year it was released in parentheses. Each paragraph should start with a Topic Sentence which introduces your main point in that paragraph. You then use several more Support Sentences to fully flesh this idea out and unpack it for the reader. Then after that you can bring in a specific scene or aspect from the film as an example to illustrate your point. Film Analysis Essays should use a declarative thesis statement