Reading #1: (write a response to one chapter in DuBois)
E. B. DU BOIS (1868–1963)
From The Souls of Black Folk: The Forethought; I. Of Our Spiritual Strivings; III. Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others (pgs. 679-702) and VI. Of the Training of Black Men (pgs. 715-725).
Reading #2: (write a response to one chapter in Washington’s narrative)
Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) Up from Slavery: Read all chapters, pgs. 548-579.
Reading #3: (write a response to one chapter/essay)
DU BOIS (continued): From The Souls of Black Folk: XIV. The Sorrow Songs, pgs. 752-759.
Also the essay “The Damnation of Women,” pgs. 760-771.
Guidelines for an effective summary/response:
A paragraph of summary of the work (a poem, narrative, or novel chapter): What was it about?
2) A paragraph of personal opinion of the work: What are your thoughts about the work?
So a summary/response should be at least one full page in length, typed, double-spaced.
Quote the work 2 or more times
Will provide the textbook.
Summary responses, NOT an essay.