In this assignment, I have to critically evaluate a sociological research paper from a theoretical perspective. The goal is to apply the tools for theory building and reconstruction from my course to an actual sociological theory (you have to use constructs from my notes, see ‘the assignment’ doc last page). My paper is Extremely Disadvantaged Neighborhoods and Urban Clime (Krivo & Peterson, 1996) (see additional materials). The topic of the assignment is “cumulative advantage”: a family of sociological mechanisms through which actors who, for whatever reason, already enjoy advantages in a certain domain, acquire further advantages because of their initial advantage, which leads to a self-reinforcing dynamic and an increase of inequality. For instance, do books by famous authors become popular (and thus the author even more famous) because the books are really that good, or because the authors were already famous in the first place? This phenomenon is also known as the “Matthew effect” (coined as such by Merton (1968) after a statement in the gospel of Matthew [25:29] in the New Testament