This Assessment requires reviewing the research paper below. The review need to be around (1400 words). No need to include an abstract for this assessment.
The bulk of this review should be dedicated to a thorough and considered critique of the paper, both in relation to the quality of the research, and where this research is positioned in relation to other published work in the area. Please note that, for this assessment only, you should follow the referencing convention of the journal.
1. Article for review
Selvanderan, S.P., Summers, M.J., Finnis, M.E., Plummer, M.P., Abdelhamid, Y.A., Anderson, M.B., Chapman, M.J., Rayner, C.K. & Deane, A.M. 2016, ‘Pantoprazole or Placebo for Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis (POP-UP): Randomized Double-Blind Exploratory Study’, Critical Care Medicine, 44(10), 1842-50.
2. Undertake a critical review of the article using the format listed under ‘Instructions for Authors for Australian Critical Care’.
a. Start with a section called “Summary” – This is the section where you would describe your chosen article, including a summary of the aims of the study, the setting, sample, methods results and conclusion of the published study.
b. The next heading will be “Critique”. This is where you would critique the article. so do some research on the type of method they have used – what sort of measures of rigour apply to this method and how have they have fulfilled these measures of rigour? Are the findings and conclusions they have drawn reliable? You will need to then proceed to discuss this chosen article in relation to other articles that have investigated this topic. Does this article support findings in other similar studies or do the findings differ? If they differ, can you think of any explanation for this?
Support critique with 8-12 references
c. You should finish your critique section with a conclusive statement – after looking at this article in the context of past research, what is the significance of the article’s findings and how do you think clinicians should use these findings in their clinical practice?
3. References. Format your references and writing style according to the author guidelines for the journal.