Part of writing an effective analytical research paper involves using evidence directly from your primary texts
(the literature itself) as well as the works of other critics and scholars (secondary texts). Therefore, you will
need to be able to analyze these secondary works, and to accurately quote, paraphrase and summarize these
outside sources in your own essays. This assignment helps build these research skills. In fact, the article you
analyze here (and the literature on which it’s based) could even become part of your research paper topic in
future weeks, if you choose.
For this assignment, choose a critical article from one of the GMC library databases that makes a clear
argument about any one of the stories you’ve read for the class so far. The article you choose must provide
more than basic biographical information and plot summary; it must make an opinionated argument about
some aspect of the literary work. Your complete analysis should be at least 500 words in leng\
Cregan-Reid, Vybarr. Discovering Gilgamesh : Geology, Narrative and the Historical Sublime in Victorian
Culture. Manchester University Press, 2015
Mitchell, Stephen. Gilgamesh. Profile Books, 2014.